A screenshot from my Beta version of my game, complete with working coin counter and timer!
This week I worked on fine tuning some issues I had with my game. The first was getting a functioning timer implemented. I wanted to give the player enough time to complete a full lap of the track before getting the Game Over message at the end. I experimented with different time variations before I settled on 120 seconds for the game. Once this counts down to zero "Game Over!" is displayed in the top right. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to make this event trigger a return to the main menu yet but I hope I'll be able to implement it for my final game. I couldn't have done this without the help from this YouTube tutorial by Jimmy Vegas.
I also added some background music and ignition sounds for the car engine. I had tried to make the cars engine pitch change based on how fast it was going but this proved to be very very difficult. I looked at several tutorials on YouTube but in the end I came to the conclusion that I had set up my CarController script differently from what would allow for a functioning variable engine sound. Maybe I'll be able to fix this for my final version but for now I'm happy to continue as is.
Over the past few weeks I have definitely learned a whole lot about the Unity editing environment, C# scripts, functions and classes and what actually makes a game fun! While my game is definitely far from perfect I feel like it is a good fit for what a game should be and I've enjoyed making it thoroughly.
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