Unity Tutorial 02

 This week I took my C# coding skills to the next level by learning how to process user input from a keyboard while playing a game.

This was a tricky concept to understand at first but after watching the video tutorials for Lesson 1.4 and following the instructions I felt like I had a good grasp on how it all works. I completed this tutorial with no major issues.

I attempted the Plane Programming Challenge and initially thought it would be simple to complete but I was very wrong about this! I thought I would be able to do it without even looking at the hints in the tutorial but I did need them in. I also had to look at a video solution on YouTube for instructions on how to keep the main camera following the plane. Of course, as it turned out I had written a redundant line of code that was interfering with the proper functioning of the game so once I fixed this the game worked flawlessly. Once I had fixed this I felt so relieved because being stuck on this challenge had been driving me mad!!

A screenshot from my now working plane flying demo!
